As this unusual year comes to a close, the staff was heartened to receive the following card from Cottage residents Midge and Joel.
Dear Staff,
Joel and I wish to thank all of you for incredible efforts to help us through this difficult year. We have loved the little “treats” on special occasions, e.g. Mother’s & Father’s Day & the 4th of July , the Ice Cream Truck’s appearance, pumpkins and the decorations at different times of the year. I know this isn’t a complete list but they all give us delight.
We appreciate the friendly and patient people at the front desk as well as security and the maintenance people and the cleaners who competently help us while always being kind and friendly; the dining staff who deal with our (sometimes) crazy orders or grumpy responses and the chefs who create delicious meals; and those of you who try to keep us involved and sane with the many programs that you plan, the videos for exercise, the many lectures – all of which we can still access while in this crazy Covid situation. We can joke & laugh with you and know you care.
We know there are many others behind the scenes who we don’t interact with and our apologies for not mentioning you, but this includes you too.
To all of you: Your generosity of spirit is what makes The Highlands at Pittsford the special place that it is.
Very sincerely, Midge & Joel

We are so grateful for the appreciation. We’d like to extend warmest wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday season!